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Troubleshooting Agent

Occasionally it will happen that Polar Signals support will ask you to help us troubleshoot the Polar Signals Agent. Below is a collection of common things Polar Signals might ask for to understand a situation better.

Container label missing

The agent tries its best to automatically discover how to connect to a local container runtime and Kubernetes node, but sometimes it happens that either clusters are provisioned in non-standard ways or that cluster setups are just not predictable.

The agent communicates through a unix socket with the local container runtime to discover metadata about a process. Typically the unix sockets are located in the /run directory on the host, so many sure that is mounted into the agent container via a volume.

Here is how the agent tries to discover which container runtime is used:

  • Request the Node object the agent is running on to read .Status.NodeInfo.ContainerRuntimeVersion. The value passed to the agent via the --node is important to be correct for this. Typically this is configured via the downward API so unless you modified the provided DaemonsSet manifest, this should already be correct.

  • It then reads the the string up until :// depending on the value it then continues in different ways:

    • docker: Use /run/docker.sock to communicate with the Docker daemon.
    • containerd: Try /run/containerd/containerd.sock and /run/k3s/containerd/containerd.sock, and chooses the last one that exists.
    • cri-o: Use /run/crio/crio.sock to communicate with cri-o.

If a path other than the above ones needs to be used, then use the --metadata-container-runtime-socket-path flag to override it.

Note that containerd 1.5.x and older are not supported, so even with correct paths

High Memory Usage

In cases where you are observing high memory usage of Polar Signals' Agent, take a heap profile and share it with support.

To take a heap profile, first get network access to the agent, for example on Kubernetes use a port-forward:

Note: In a non-Kubernetes environment use SSH to get access to the node the agent is running on.

kubectl -n polarsignals port-forward <pod-name> 7071

And then take a heap profile using curl:

curl http://localhost:7071/debug/pprof/heap > /tmp/heap.pb.gz

Please upload your file to which makes it accessible to others in an interactive way. The link generated by is publicly accessible but only if the unique ID is known, don't share it with anyone except for Polar Signals support.